Share Your Story


My name is Kori and I am a 43-year-old mother with dyslexia. I was diagnosed when I was in the 8th grade. I was told by my teachers that I was lazy, stupid and never tried hard enough. I could talk about anything, but try to put it down on paper or […]

Walking a Well-Worn Path Alone

Walking a Well-Worn Path Alone When James graduated from high school he was reading, writing and spelling at less than a third grade level, despite the best efforts of the educational system, which had him enrolled in special reading programs for the entire 12 years. James thought at the time […]

Nick’s Story

Nick made a touching video about his experiences with dyslexia. Check it out!

An Eight Year Old’s Journey with Dyslexia

An Eight Year Old’s Journey with Dyslexia According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities, 2.4 million K-12 students (or 4.7% of all students) have a diagnosed learning disability. Many more are never diagnosed. Dyslexia (difficulty reading printed words, spelling and writing correctly) is the most prevalent and well-recognized type […]

Marcia and Martha: NCBIDA Pioneers Honored

Marcia and Martha: NCBIDA Pioneers Honored Ode To Martha And Marcia With love and thanks from NCBIDA Board Members 2015 [Attempts to Rhyme by Nancy Cushen White and Lee Anne King Quatrano…with some editing by Bonita Colony]   Martha and Marcia, our mentors and friends Always ready to offer wise advice […]

Children’s Book on Dyslexia

Children’s Book on Dyslexia I just published a children’s book on dyslexia, called ‘Why Can’t I Read?’. It’s AJ’s story about how he struggled with reading and how he’s come to deal with his learning disability. It’s the book we wish we could’ve read when we were confused and frustrated […]

Teen Entrepreneur Making Her Own Way in the World

Teen Entrepreneur Making Her Own Way in the World I was identified with dyslexia when I was in kindergarten. When it came time to learn letters and sounds I was developing more slowly than my peers and my teachers recognized that although I was very bright and outgoing I wasn’t […]

Susans Story

Susan’s Story My story began when I was teaching seventh grade English in San Jose, California. I had just returned to the US after teaching English for four years in Asia, and I was going through a bit of a culture shock. I had taught wealthy children in Illinois for […]

Finally, I Enjoy Reading

Finally, I Enjoy Reading I read very little as a child and teenager. It wasn’t until I was in my 20s and worked in a library at a school in San Francisco that I began to realize I had missed out on a lot of good books. I was so […]