Orton Gillingham Teacher/Tutor Training
for Dyslexia and Literacy Instruction
Classroom Educator:
This course covers the OGA curriculum for Classroom Educator Level (40 hours) for those working in a school setting. This is a hybrid course, with 35 hours taught June 16-20 in-person in San Jose, CA, and 5 hours of independent work required.
The OGCE course introduces individuals to the principles of the Orton-Gillingham approach and provides the knowledge base for individuals to deliver OG lessons in small group or classroom settings. It does not include a practicum which is required for Academy membership. The 50 hour practicum can be arranged on request after the coursework is completed.
Associates Level:
This course covers the OGA curriculum for Associates Level (70 hours) for teachers or tutors. It will be taught in 2 sessions: June 16-20 in-person in San Jose, CA and 2 weekends (August 23/24 and September 67/) on-line. For each course there will be several additional hours of independent work.
This course introduces individuals to the principles of the Orton-Gillingham approach, and follows the curriculum at the Associates Level. It provides the knowledge base for individuals to deliver OG lessons either in small groups or individually. It does not include a practicum which is required for Academy membership. The practicum can be arranged on request after the coursework is completed.
Prerequisite: Bachelor’s Degree required for certification
Fellow: Nancy Redding, ATF/OGA
FIT: Cecilia Robb, FIT/OGA
Dates and Location in 2025:
Classroom Educator:
Almaden Country Day School
6835 Trinidad Dr., San Jose, CA 95120
June 16-20, 2025 – 8:30 – 4:00 daily, PDT
Total Hours = 40
Cost: $1,000
Associates Level:
Location, Dates, Times for Session 1:
Almaden Country Day School
6835 Trinidad Dr., San Jose, CA 95120
June 16-20, 2025 – 8:30 – 4:00 daily, PDT
Location, Dates, Times for Session 2:
August 23 & 24, September 6 & 7, 2025. 8:30 – 3:00 daily, PDT
Total Hours of Training = 70 hrs.
Cost: $1500
For more information, see the attached flyer and registration form, or contact Nancy Redding at
408-810-2555 or nancy.c.redding@gmail.com
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