Marcia and Martha: NCBIDA Pioneers Honored

Marcia and Martha: NCBIDA Pioneers Honored

Marcia and MarthaOde To Martha And Marcia

With love and thanks from NCBIDA Board Members 2015

[Attempts to Rhyme by Nancy Cushen White and Lee Anne King Quatrano…with some editing by Bonita Colony]


Martha and Marcia, our mentors and friends

Always ready to offer wise advice through more than one lens.

The Northern California Branch of IDA,
First Marcia, then Martha—always there to lead the way.

Both have tried to teach us by modeling “calm.”
We’ve tried our best to learn; still there’s more than a qualm.

Often we’ve heard, “There’s something new I need you to do.”
We’d answer, “But, Martha (or Marcia), I don’t have a clue!”

“No fear,” one would say, ”you’ll figure it out.”
“In fact,” the other would add, “I have no doubt!”

So what could we say except, “OK. I’ll try.”
We’d keep the goal in mind and try—sometimes cry—and then more try!

Intense and perceptive, her eyes so blue.
No nonsense Martha tells ALL—with words just a few.

So first came Branch Board and then Branch Program Chair.
Next thing I knew, talk of Branch President was in the air.

I went to great length to dissuade that suggestion.
Spent a year in Switzerland to assure some quality restin’.

However, upon returning, the “offer” still stood.
Became NCBIDA President and did the best I could.

Successful international conferences: 87 and 98.
TWO times in the northern part of our state.

Marcia and Martha were our leaders supreme
Always good examples of working as a team.

Those of us who carefully chose NOT to volunteer
Were told by M & M that we had nothing to fear.

Into the smallest (if not a single) unit they divided up the jobs.
They made it sound so easy that we helpers showed up in mobs.

Before we even noticed, our tasks were assigned.
Our leaders were so organized that we didn’t even mind.

“Bridges to Literacy” was our conference theme both years.
MOST things flowed so smoothly there were rarely any tears.

Never mind. We learned so much and gave many things a shot.
Who knows? Without their push, we might have missed a lot.

Then Marcia moved back to live in the Midwest
With invitations to share her island for breaks that were always the BEST.

Marcia was (National) IDA President from ’92 to ‘96
With Martha as her Vice Pres, they got a lot of things fixed.

In Years 2000 and 2003, MBR Lifetime Achievement Awards to each of our friends.
From their many admirers, there were LOTS of hugs and grins!

Faithful leaders Marcia and Martha are ALWAYS gracious.
They always get their point across with no need to be loquacious.

To Martha and Marcia we offer this token
With our love and gratitude perpetually unbroken.

with love from your NCBIDA Comrades…


That was only the tip of the iceberg. From there, Martha (and Marcia) have convinced my colleagues and me that we could do many more jobs we not only thought we were not capable of doing but were fairly certain we were not even interested in doing. Still, we did and we learned—which has led us on to many rewarding challenges and adventures.