Serving Northern California and the San Francisco Bay Area
“I get stubborn and dig in when people tell me I can’t do something I think I can.” Anne Bancroft
“Many times I can see a different solution to something and see it more quickly than other people can.” – Charles Schwab
“I wanted to show everybody I knew that I could do better and that I could read.” Magic Johnson
“I knew I wasn’t lazy, but what was it?” – Whoopi Goldberg
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I learn. Involve me and I remember.” Benjamin Franklin
“I have not failed. I have just found ten thousand ways that will not work.” Thomas Edison
“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.” – Leonardo DaVinci
“Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.” – Winston Churchill
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Agatha Christie
“I never read in school. My report cards said I wasn't living up to my potential.” Cher
“Life is full of challenges and how you handle them is what builds character.” – Erin Brockovich
Nick made a touching video about his experiences with dyslexia. Check it out!