President’s Letter_2023 Fall

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Back to school is always exciting, but for parents of children with learning differences it comes with some (or a lot!) of anxiety.  Will this year hold a breakthrough?  

In California, legislation requiring dyslexia screening has been signed into law by Governor Newsom and takes effect January 1, 2024. Recent data shows that 32 states and the District of Columbia have passed laws or changed policy to require evidence-based reading instruction. California, too, is moving towards embracing programs based on the “science of reading.”

In case you have missed them, American Public Media (APM) reporter Emily Hanford has done a stellar series of podcasts focused on what is needed to teach children to read. If you haven’t listened to these yet, please do! Start with Hard to Read, then Hard Words, and At a Loss for Words and share them with others.  Sadly, this information is not new, as The National Reading Panel recommended this approach back in the year 2000. But finally, the word is out, and we are seeing change.