Teacher Training Scholarship Application


IDA Northern California welcomes your interest in obtaining training in structured literacy approaches. To help defray the cost of training, we will be distributing a number of partial scholarships this year to IDA NorCal Branch members who are Northern California residents.

Please be aware that there are two separate processes. The process of applying for and enrolling in a teacher-training course is separate from this process of applying for a teacher-training scholarship.

To apply for a scholarship for teacher training, carefully follow the instructions below. If you have any questions about the scholarship application process, please contact the IDA Northern California Teacher Scholarship Committee at admin.ncal@dyslexiaida.org.

Applications from Northern CA Branch Members are accepted on a rolling basis, and scholarships will be awarded until all funds are exhausted. Please be aware of the key guidelines that are followed in awarding these scholarships.

Scholarships are only awarded for training programs that are accredited by IDA, and programs must be a minimum of 30 hours. For more information on IDA NorCal trainings that are scholarship eligible, click here.

  • First priority will be given to classroom teachers, especially those working with children in grades K-2. When considering our awards we look for the “multiplier effect,” meaning we strive to fund structured literacy instruction for those educators who are most likely to have a significant effect on a large number of students in the classroom setting over a long span of time.
  • Applicant must be able to utilize the training to serve students located within Northern California.


  1. Completed applications must be submitted no less than 14 days before the training program’s enrollment deadline.
  2. Provide evidence of your membership with The International Dyslexia Association. If you are not currently a member, visit our Membership page on our website. Provide proof of your IDA membership (or application for it) with the rest of your application.
  3. Complete the Contact Information form.
  4. Complete the Scholarship Application.
  5. Complete the essay questions noted in the Scholarship Application form.
  6. Obtain a Letter of Recommendation (details on Contact Information form).
  7. Retain your originals. Upload all forms (All documents MUST be converted to a PDF prior to uploading into the application): Contact Information form, Scholarship Application, Essay, Letter of Recommendation, and proof of IDA membership.
  8. Notification by IDA Northern California will be made to you if you have been awarded a scholarship, and will include the exact amount of the scholarship.
  9. Pay your portion of the course tuition directly to the course provider by the deadline. Upon confirmation of enrollment, scholarship payment will be remitted directly to the course provider. In accepting the scholarship, the recipient agrees that in the event of training program cancellation and refund for any reason, the scholarship recipient shall reimburse IDA NorCal for the amount of the previously funded teacher scholarship.
  10. Successfully complete the course.


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